What did we learn about Tyra this week?
We learned that Tyra smells like a camel and types with two fingers.
During panel, Tyra makes a pretty hilarious statement when she is discussing how it is important to be present and aware when modelling. It prompts her to announce that models are awful actresses, as they are always aware of what's going on around.
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So Tyra - which is it? Terrible actress or terrible model? Hmmmm... |
Did anything else happen this week?
Welcome to Morocco! The girls arrive and are travelling in a bus. Alexandria begins our trip by telling us that she is a chameleon. She has a gecko at home and, while he can't change colours, she sure can. Ugh.
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You might want to change the colour of that drekitude scarf #worsethanbonnet |
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Hey Hannah - you should be an expert at what camel toe looks like by now |
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Take it all in, honey, you're leaving soon... |
The bus lets the girls off at a giant market. Brittani is thrown off by seeing all the snakes with the snake charmer, as where she's from, if you see a snake, you catch, kill and then eat it. She said that they hang snake skins up on the wall at the bar she worked at back home. Funny! The girls meet up with the Jays, who are both wearing a bunch of eyeliner for some reason. I don't think it's a Moroccan custom, is it? It's not cute anyways.
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"Eyeliner on men looks great. What's your problem?" |
The girls spend some time exploring Marrakech and then meet up with my bff, Andre Leon Talley. As per usual, he is awesome as soon as he appears, saying to the girls, "I hope these are your travel clothes. I mean, you look dreadful." Kasia is excited to see ALT and calls him "one of the biggest people in fashion." Umm...don't you mean one of the most "fiercely real" people in fashion?
The girls meet Moroccan designer Noureddine Amir and each have to walk in his clothes. Predictably, Kasia gets frustrated because they staff have trouble finding an outfit that fits her. Okay...I have some big problems with this. First, Kasia is not that big really. I'd guess she's like a size 10? Lots of designers have samples in that size in addition to size 4. Isn't it common to have 2 or 3 sample sizes? Also...the girls are only there because THEY ARE ON A TV SHOW! They knew Kasia was coming! Tyra really needs to stop putting the girls in "real" modelling situations where they get embarrassed and feel badly about themselves. So many of the challenges this season have been the opposite of a "real modelling situation"...you can't have it both ways. Making Kasia feel bad because she can't fit all the clothes is just mean. Straight up mean. Just make one dress in Kasia's size, and just give her that one to try on. Come on!
Despite the setback with the outfits, Kasia walks well for the designer and is the only girl that thought to bring heels with her in her purse. Alexandria gets in trouble from ALT for wearing her socks while she walks for Noureddine Amir. I also really love that ALT always calls her "Alexandra".
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Socks? Drekitude! |
What's up with this random shot of hitchhikers? Is that how the eliminated girl has to get to the airport?
The girls meet ALT up on a rooftop and he serves them some mint tea. After a chat, ALT reveals that they are at their model apartment. I'm glad the girls don't have to stay in a crummy apartment this cycle to learn a dumb Tyra lesson. I also love that Tyra is too cheap to find frames for all the photos of her in the apartment and they are on crappy bristol board instead. Some poor production assistant is probably going to get a crappy Christmas gift this year! Oh wait...
One of the story arcs this episode is that Molly is angry. We get lots of clips of the girls and Molly talking about how Molly is angry and needs anger management. I'm sick of the editors trying to make Molly look like she's an angry drama queen. For example, Molly gets angry that she has to share a bed with 2 other girls. To me, her anger does not seem unreasonable. I love my husband very much and we've been sharing a bed for like 8 years...and I'm still not 100% used to having to share. With my husband! Why wouldn't you be grumpy about sharing a bed with 2 random girls who just may have nasty sleeping habits. Ugh...this episode!
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Swears? I feel you |
On the other hand, another story arc this episode is that Brittani is super excited about everything in Morocco. It's totally cute.
Photo shoot time! The girls will be shot sitting on a camel in the desert by photographer Michael Woolley. OMG...so unexpected! Mr. Jay explains that the camels are grumpy. Just like Molly!
Hey Alexandria...please look at Mr Jay and learn how to work a scarf properly. Alexandria is still wearing that tired white mee-maw shawl on her head. I know I ripped on Mr. Jay for his eyeliner earlier, but I like his headscarf here.
Hannah appears to have stolen ALT's hat...or maybe Blossom's?
The photo shoot is pretty boring, but I must admit I do like the clothes and styling. Brittany and Molly do really well. Kasia does badly because she feels self-conscious about her body. Nice one, Tyra! Alexandria also struggles. It is really obvious that the photographer hates her and tells her she's too controlled and is trying to direct too much. Alexandria thinks she made a mistake early on by making a baseball reference to the English photographer, and wishes she had made a cricket or polo reference instead.
Hannah gives a speech about how she wants to prove all the people who called her "unmemorable" wrong. She appears to do well, although the photographer does call her "Anna".
Nothing of note really happens at panel, apart from Tyra's aforementioned insights. Guest judge this week is Franca Sozzani, editor of Vogue Italia. I like her; she's pretty no-nonsense. It makes for a bit of a boring panel, though, because you just know that Franca will not put up with Tyra being her usual self.
Time for the judges to deliberate! Brittani's photo is good, but not good enough to hang in a salon. Alexandria's photo is just weird. Nigel remarks that she should have just jumped off the camel, and Tyra says if she broke her ankle it would have made the shot. LOL. Kasia's photo isn't great. Franca starts off defending Kasia, but admits she wouldn't put the photo in Vogue and doesn't like Kasia. Molly's photo is elegant and would get into Vogue. ALT likes the narrative in the photo.
Nigel thinks Hannah's photo looks good, but he doesn't get the narrative. ALT counters that some of the best models don't really think in their photos but still look great.
Molly has best photo this week, and Kasia & Alexandria are in the bottom 2. Despite all her speeches and sassiness, Hannah comes third...right in the middle of the pack. Or did she? I forget. Kasia goes home...weak! Apparently she lacks confidence. I think she's sent home because a "fiercely real" model will never again win ANTM thanks to Whitney Thompson's lackluster career. You were robbed Kasia! You should have made top 3 at least. Sorry girl!
Next Week: the girls have to balance candles on their heads! Ridiculous! Unsafe! Plus...the girls must eat goat brains! What?
Oh...by now you've probably heard that ANTM Cycle 17 is going to be an all-star cycle. I'm a sucker for all-star seasons of reality shows, so I'm into this idea for sure. Hopefully they will bring back Kasia for that cycle. My other pics would be Jane from cycle 15, Alasia and Ren from cycle 14 and Anya from cycle 10. I don't think they'll bring back favourites from the first 7 or 8 cycles as they are likely too old by now. Please don't bring back Jade!!!
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