Kids are awesome and moms love their kids...but between the Raffi and the playdates and the nurturing and such, sometimes you need a quick break. Take a breather from the "mom (or dad) zone" for a few minutes. Put the baby in the crib, grab your tea, put your feet up and enjoy!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Practical Fashion - Make 'Em Laugh

My 'lil peanut is 11 months old now. He's super cute, super active, and super used to all my tricks. If you have a kid, you know how addictive their smiles and laughs can be. If I stumble upon a way to make my peanut laugh, I will continue to do it until either I'm too exhausted to continue or until he gets bored.

I've been experimenting lately with using fashion to make him happy. I have lots of clothes, so why not dress up and make him smile? Here are some my successes:

1) Wear orange

My 'lil peanut loves it when folks wear orange. Random, but he really loves him some orange. In addition to his favourite TV fella, DJ Lance Rock, I discovered that he loooooooves these folks.
Even though I want to make the peanut smile, I don't want to dress like a complete weirdo. Luckily, there are lots of cute orange pieces out there this summer.

2) Glasses, Glasses and more Glasses

If you wear glasses, my peanut already loves you. He will wave his little arms at you, and will smile his 5-toothed smile at you whether you like it or not. When I venture out into the world, I normally wear contacts. At home, however, I'm always in my Oliver Peoples glasses. Yay team glasses!

3) High Contrast

All babies are interested in items that have a high contrast, especially black and white. Why not try a black and white printed dress? At the very least, your kid will stare at you a whole bunch...and you will look cute.

4) To Top It All Off...

Hats! My 'lil peanut hates to wear one, but loves to play with mine when I do. He is a big hat fan.

So, yeah, if you're looking for new ways to entertain your little one...try wearing something funny or flashy. Party!

Horkelia Shift (
Elizabeth and James Centinela Glasses (
Souvenir Dress (
Fedora Nina (


Phillis Diller pic via

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