Kids are awesome and moms love their kids...but between the Raffi and the playdates and the nurturing and such, sometimes you need a quick break. Take a breather from the "mom (or dad) zone" for a few minutes. Put the baby in the crib, grab your tea, put your feet up and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Solid Fashion Advice - Baby Edition

Arlo, this week's fashion advice expert
I love advice columns, don't you? Fashion advice in particular is awesome because when it is good advice it's helpful, and when it's bad advice it is funny. I thought it would be too lame for me to dish out fashion advice, so I'm going to pose some fashion questions to different people in the coming weeks and see what advice they have to give.  First up is my little peanut, Arlo.

Ok, so Arlo is a baby and can't talk or walk or anything. He does, however, have great style already. He likes colours, animals and colourful animals.  He is also very funny and smart (his grandparents tell him so all the time). I came up with some fashion questions for Arlo to give his advice on, and made some flash cards to help him answer. Let's see what Arlo thinks!

Apologies for the blurry photos. I had to take them fast before Arlo tried to eat the flashcards.

Q1 - Which is worse: pyjamas in the daytime, or a feathered hat at night?
Arlo chose the feathered hat as the worse look.

Q2 - Which is better: sequined hoodie or patterned sweater vest?
Sweater vest wins!

Q3 - Which word best describes Fergie's style (black eyed pea, not royalty): scary or brutal?
Arlo had a tough time with this one because he doesn't know who Fergie is, but ended up selecting Scary Fergie.

Q4 - Last question: is it ok for a lady to wear pants to church?
My wise little peanut thinks it really depends on what kind of church you attend, so he answered yes and no.

Thanks Arlo!


PS: People who can speak in sentences will be giving advice in future. Check back next week for more advice!

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