Kids are awesome and moms love their kids...but between the Raffi and the playdates and the nurturing and such, sometimes you need a quick break. Take a breather from the "mom (or dad) zone" for a few minutes. Put the baby in the crib, grab your tea, put your feet up and enjoy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Throwback Inspiration - Monika Deol

If you lived in Canada in the early '90s, there is a pretty good chance that you would have watched Electric Circus on Friday nights. In case you weren't lucky enough to have seen it, the show was a dance party where they played videos and djs/live acts performed. There were regular dancers that appeared each week, but anyone could go down to Queen & John in Toronto and dance out front of the studio. The lady who hosted the chaos week after week was the ever-classy Monika Deol. 

Not only was Monika Deol super-gorgeous, she always kept it together while interviewing ridiculous people. I'm including myself in this category, as I made my tv debut in 1995 when Monika interviewed me and a friend while we stood out front of Much Music on the street during Electric Circus. To my credit, I just stopped there on my way home after a Thrush Hermit show; I can't get too uppity though, as I was wearing a blue fun-fur skirt at the time. Yikes! At least Monika looked great. Ohhh brother - I hope my parents got rid of that VHS tape!

Monika usually rocked red lips and statement jewellery. She also wore lots of colour, which made her stand out amongst the throngs of young ladies dancing in bra-tops. Looking back at clips of Electric Circus, all of the dancers and kids standing around look insane...but Monika looks classy and put together. 

I'm definitely feeling the pairing of a brightly-coloured dress with red lips and gold jewellery these days. There is a danger of it looking too '70s/Studio 54, so I'm taking a page out of Monika's book and making sure to keep the silhouette modern. For example, she'd sometimes finish off her look with a tough leather jacket. Loves it!

In 1996, Monika passed over hosting duties of Electric Circus to the equally awesome Juliette Powell. She moved to Vancouver and I'm sure she still looks as fabulous as ever today. Electric Circus, you are missed!


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